
    Industrial Clusters developing by APIIC Ltd

    APIIC is developing Industrial Parks in all the districts of Andhra Pradesh and decided to develop industrial clusters based on the parameters like demand and the availability of the products in the surrounding areas of the cluster locations by availing Government of India grant under MSE-CDP scheme for the newly developing clusters and up gradation of existing Industrial Parks.

    Till date APIIC filed the applications on line with Development Commissioner – MSME for the following 10 Industrial clusters for in principle approval / Govt of India grant.

    Local Director, MSME-DI and Commissioner of Industries, AP also recommended and forwarded the applications to DC – MSME, New Delhi.

    SL.NoLocation of the Industrial ClusterType of clusterNo.of AcresTotal Cost of the Project Rs. In LakhsMSME (GoI) grant (Rs. In Lakhs)
    1Makavaripalem- VisakhapatnamAluminum & General Engg.cluster111.442771.70800.00
    2Kopparthi – KadapaEngineering Cluster87.482149.75800.00
    3Gandrajuaplli – ChittoorSilk & Garments cluster100.003985.31800.00
    4Peddapuram – E.G DistTraditional Food cluster20.601026.22800.00
    5Mangalagiri – Guntur DistGeneral Engg Park51.832537.52800.00
    6Machilipatnam – Krishna DistUpgradation of existing Imitation Jewellary park43.001529.03743.54
    7Palakollu – W.G.distUpgradation of existing Coir park12.24750.88750.88
    8Palasa – Srikakulam DistUpgradation of existing Cashew park
    TOTAL :458.2015406.996151.00

    In the phase II applications for the following Industrial clusters will be filed. Preparation of DPRs is under progress.

    SL.NoLocation of the Industrial ClusterType of cluster & Acres
    1Bobbili – Vizainagaram DistrictMango Jelly cluster – 50 Ares
    2Achutapuram- VisakhapatnamMarine – Min 100 acresFine & Speciality chemicals cluster – 300 acresPetrochemicals – Plastic – 300 acres
    3GunturSpices – Apache resumed land
    4Prakasham DistUpgradation of existing BPSEZ infrastructure Facilities
    5Pulivendula – Cuddapah Dist YerraguntlaEngineering clusterEngineering cluster

    In addition to the above places some more locations are identified and the land acquisition process is under progress:

    SL.NoLocation of the Industrial ClusterType of cluster & Acres
    1Jangareddygudem- West Godavari DistBhimadolu- West Godavari DistTobbaco Fish processing
    2Agiripalli – Krishna DistFood processing
    3NelloreStudded Jewellary
    4Piler – Chittoor DistSilk & Garment cluster
    5Raidurg – Anantapur DistGarments cluster
    6Bethamcherla – Kurnool DistSlab polishing cluster

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